Returns & Exchanges


What can be returned/exchanged?

  • All products are returnable/exchangeable if the product you received is defective and is in the same condition as when purchased. This includes the product packaging and original price tags.
  • The product’s packing material must be in same condition as when received. Products must not be used.
  • Product must be returned along with all accessories.
  • Serial number must be on product, product without serial number and Invoice No. will not acceptable.
  • The product that is needed to be returned should be claimed in 48 hours upon delivery, and then the customer will be guided for return or exchange. The product once received by PADMINI will be inspected for any other damages. If the claim stated is genuine the product will be replaced or the money will be reimbursed. Products claimed beyond 48 hours will only be exchanged not returned.


Shipping for returns

  • Customer is responsible about shipping charges for return of products.
  • Customer is responsible about damaged due to returning transit; it is advised that the return packets should be strongly packaged.
  • If any product which was delivered is not same as per order or was in damaged condition then the same will be replaced by us without any charge. (In condition of damaged product it is your responsibility to contact us immediately with picture/video proof)


Credit for returns

  • Your payment will be refunded once the item is inspected or the product will be replaced.
  • Your payment will only be refunded to your original payment method.
  • Your payment will be refunded after deduction of Payment Gateway fees (in case of prepaid orders) and shipping charges.


Procedure to return your product

  • Contact us via email or phone, our contact detail is

+9196500 96042, 011 2831 4780, 011 2831 3358011 4502 6713

We will guide you about process for the same.

  • After obtaining a Return Authorization, product can be returned to our head office:

34, Transport Centre, Punjabi Bagh Crossing, New Delhi-110035


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